I am a part-time lecturer in the Comparative Media Studies/Writing Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). I developed a comprehensive course on comic book creation. Making Comics CMS.S60 which is a hands-on introduction to writing and creating comics and sequential art. Students learn how to: find a premise, develop a storyline and plot; write a script; develop character; structure stories; and understand the specifics of sequential language, composition, and layout.

I also create traditional and experimental comics. I’ve created comics decks which explore and explain how comics are made. Exploring panel sequence, braiding and threading by adjusting the order of images helps to clarify these concepts and gain an instant and visceral understanding of how these concepts work and why they matter.

As a practitioner of the art, I can pass on my struggles and triumphs with the medium directly to my students through my own personal work. I’m able to share drafts, revisions and examples every step of the way.

I created the BORDERx project which is a graphic study of the border crisis from a broad range of viewpoints. Over 70 writers and artists contributed stories and accounts of the border crisis. With a foreword from Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR). Learn more about the BORDERx Project here https://border-x.com/
Personal Work
In addition to teaching, I practice comic art. Below are excerpts from recent projects.

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